With Dignity Death Doula

The end of life deserves as much beauty, care,

and respect as the beginning

Hello, I'm Jen Thompson. Recently, I obtained my Death Doula and Infant and Pregnancy Loss certification from Home Hospice Association. I hold the personal belief that every individual deserves to pass away with dignity.

Currently, I lead a support and healing group named Our Babies, Our Grief, and organize various local death cafes and informative events. Additionally, I serve on the board of Home Hospice Association and volunteer with Dying with Dignity Canada, where I deliver presentations on MAiD.

I advocate for breaking the culture of silence surrounding death through open discussions, gatherings, art, innovation, and academic pursuits.

As a death doula and advocate for dignified passing, my journey is guided by the belief that every individual's final moments should be filled with grace and respect. Through my work with Our Babies, Our Grief support group and local death cafes, I strive to create safe spaces for individuals to explore and process the complex emotions surrounding loss and mortality.

Serving on the board of Home Hospice Association and volunteering with Dying with Dignity Canada allows me to further my commitment to promoting open discussions about end-of-life care and medical assistance in dying (MAiD). By delivering presentations and engaging in dialogue, I hope to em

I believe that by breaking the silence and stigma surrounding death, we can cultivate a more compassionate and supportive community. Through art, innovation, and education, I aim to spark meaningful conversations and encourage people to approach death with curiosity and understanding. Together, we can create a culture that embraces the inevitable journey with empathy and acceptance.

Heart Doodle

What is a death doula?

A Death Doula provides compassionate support to individuals as they navigate the end-of-life journey by assisting in advanced death planning, creating legacies, facilitating vigils, and guiding individuals through grief and bereavement.

A Death Doula's role is deeply rooted in empathy and understanding, offering solace and companionship during a time of great vulnerability. By helping individuals express their final wishes and emotions, a Death Doula allows them to find peace and closure in their final moments. Through storytelling, memory-making, and spiritual guidance, they assist in creating lasting legacies that honor the lives of those preparing to pass on.

With their compassionate presence and unwavering support, a Death Doula serves as a comforting companion on the journey towards the end of life, ensuring that no one walks alone in their final chapter.

Flying Dragonfly Illustration

Pet Death Cafe

Our pets are our closest companions, and the sorrow and anguish can be overwhelming when they pass away.

Infant and Pregnancy Loss

Going through the loss of a pregnancy or infant is a sorrow that no parent should ever endure.

Death Cafe

A Death Cafe provides a safe environment for individuals to openly discuss end-of-life matters.

Death Doula Rates

My hourly rate ranges from $50 to $100 on a sliding scale, ensuring accessibility to all individuals. By choosing the higher rate, you contribute to supporting those who may not afford the full amount. Packages are also offered, so feel free to get in touch for further details. If you are aware of someone in need of assistance but facing financial constraints, please don't hesitate to contact me. Every individual deserves to experience care and compassion during challenging times.

Love for nature and life


Jen Thompson

11 Lake Ave West

Carleton Place

